Are you passionate about serving others and building the local church? You're invited to join Team ECC! Our volunteer ministry allows you to contribute your time and skills to help spread God’s love and embody the spirit of discipleship.

Our motto, 'Disciples Serve,' reflects our commitment to serving others and responding to Christ's call to service. Whether you're guiding the next generation, managing AV, or supporting family ministries, your help is crucial to the mission of God.

If you're ready to serve, join us!

Evangel Christian Churches - Roseville MI - Detroit - Sunday Church Service

Ministries you can serve in:

ECC Family Ministries

Are you passionate about guiding young believers in their journey towards Jesus? Join us Sunday mornings in our ECC Family Ministries.

Here, you will have the opportunity to serve Littles (preschoolers), Kids (elementary schoolers), and Teens (middle and high schoolers). Be a part of shaping the next generation!

Media, Sound, and AV

If you’re passionate about media, sound, or audiovisuals, Team ECC wants you!

Your expertise will help improve our worship services and make each gathering impactful for visitors.

FIT (First Impressions Team)

Your welcoming smile can make all the difference.

Join our FIT team to greet, usher, and create a welcoming atmosphere for all who step into our church. Be the first point of contact that radiates warmth and hospitality!

Building and Maintenance

Handy with tools or have a knack for keeping spaces beautiful?

Our building and maintenance team plays a pivotal role in ensuring our church is not just a building, but a well-cared-for home for our community.

Interested in serving beyond the four walls of our church?